Kyle Murphy establishes Spring Hill Candles from a spontaneous skill discovered
Constructing the art of repurposing glass bottle waste and founding a purposeful business with it.
Kyle Murphy of Spring Hill Candles’ stand with varieties of unique and creative candles.
Written by: Bianca Calderon
During the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kyle Murphy found himself confused as to what to do with the glass bottles his roommate and he was hoarding. In previous years he had learned to make traditional candles which opened doors to his current and sustainable manner of candle-making. The composition of glass cutting and candle-making as a skill was completely new but very exciting to Kyle.
“This unique skill developed due to pandemic boredom,” Kyle said.
Kyle began gifting his sustainable and unique creations to close friends and family members. The response he got back from the gifts was very positive and uplifting which led to selling candles in farmer’s markets as a brand, Spring Hill Candles.
“It seemed like a natural next step to extend the service into the community,” said Kyle. “I am inspired to keep going every time I see somebody realize that their trash could do more than sit in a landfill!”
Kyle is devoted to keeping creating interesting, special, and fun creations for the community. In the future, Spring Hill Candles intends to repurpose glass bottles into candles by partnering with local stores that generate a great deal of glass bottle waste like food/beverage refilleries, breweries, and more. As another effort to share his love and skill for glass bottle candle-making, he has organized various candle-pouring events.
“It would be really fun to do more of those,” said Kyle. “Candle making is a unique thing that I really enjoy sharing with people. Whether it's a company social event, family celebration, birthdays, etc.”